
Build long-lasting Creator relationships

Customized Favorites list in Creator Hub, listing Brand Photography, Dog Bed Creator, Influencer Collabs, Male Creators, and Reels.


Save and organize your favorite Creators in customizable lists for quick activation in Creative Briefs.

Recommended Creators

Identify Creators that very likely align with your brand with Cohley’s smart recommendation engine. The recommendations get smarter as you use the platform, learning from your demonstrated preferences.

Ambassador pages

Create a branded ambassador page to onboard and activate brand loyalists within Cohley. Elevate your brand's reach by turning loyal customers into ambassadors, strengthen community engagement, and drive authentic content creation.
Creator management

Build stronger, more authentic Creator partnerships

One-off Creator partnerships can result in more transactional, less authentic content. With Creator Hub, Cohley gives users the ability to build long-term relationships, foster community, and ensure consistency and authenticity in content creation.
Ambassador pages
Favorited Creators
Private Briefs for specific Creators
Creator Hub page displaying profiles of creators eligible to participate in a brief.
Creator Hub dashboard displaying brief budget, timeline, and applicants, filtered by Recommended Creators.

Increase efficiency and save time

You shouldn’t have to reference outside spreadsheets to save and organize your favorite Creators on a platform. With Creator Hub, speed up your time-to-content by vetting a short list of recommended Creators before your brief is live. Quickly identify favorites when it’s time to accept Creators into your brief.
Recommended Creators
Custom lists of favorite Creators
Private Briefs for specific Creators