We’ve been hard at work this past month improving our platform to make Cohley even more valuable for you. We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we do!Here’s a quick summary:
Creator Profile InsightsCohley has added new questions to the creator profile so that you can get a better sense of who is applying to your Brief. Keep in mind that this is the person behind the camera, not necessarily the person in the shot! After the data has been collected, we'll be adding filters to the applicant tab of your Brief so that you can quickly find creators that best match your Brief's goals. The following data points will be asked:
We will utilize this data to reduce the time it takes for you to vet creators and give you more control when accepting creators to Briefs. Bug Fixes
Cohley has created a community of brands and creators generating over 327k images and videos. Creators apply to Briefs daily, capture beautiful content, and propel marketing strategies forward with diverse stories and backgrounds. To ensure the continued growth of the Cohley platform and marketplace where this engagement occurs, we are focusing our efforts on Creator Notifications. We hope you no longer see the chat - “Sorry, I never got your message!”Upon login, Creators will see a notification with the total number of new messages from chat, Briefs requesting content, Briefs requesting edits, and payments received. Notifications will direct them to the Brief so that they can respond to you quickly. In-app notifications will replace email alerts temporarily.