New Creator Portfolios
The biggest win for easy creator vetting will come from the creator’s new portfolio (aka top 9). A new creator experience allows everyone to build a portfolio of their top work - a mixture of photos or videos. This portfolio will be the first look for every creator that applies to a brief and will therefore be required for review, professional, and UGC briefs. We will continue showing Instagram for Influencer briefs.
Each creator will be greeted with the following message upon sign in:
Additionally, we have updated the sign-up flow so that all creators that select that they are a professional photographer/videographer must ‘confirm’. This ensures they have the proper skills, equipment, and talent and will make vetting creators slightly easier on us.
Share Cohley Assets with your Colleagues
Cohley’s newest integration allows you to easily distribute content generated across your organization. Simply login, sign-in to your Google account, sync your content, and share the entire folder, organized by product, to your colleagues.
You’ll find our step by step help in our FAQs.