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Meet Finn, Cohley’s AI Collaborator

Meet Finn, Cohley's AI Collaborator, designed to elevate creative briefs, streamline content approvals, and offer data-driven content optimization in today's dynamic content marketing world.
Tom Logan
September 6, 2023
January 22, 2025

AI isn’t just the “flavor of the day” or the “cool new thing” in tech. We very much believe that artificial intelligence is going to revolutionize the way businesses operate and make decisions. 

The content space is on the cusp of some major changes, and we can’t wait to start layering on more and more powerful AI capabilities. As the leading content generation and testing platform, we’re 100% committed to being at the bleeding edge of AI. 

To that end, we're thrilled to introduce Finn, Cohley’s AI Collaborator

Incorporating AI into the Cohley Platform

Our first goal with Finn was to help brands alleviate some of the biggest hurdles when it comes to working with collaborators—effective brief writing. We’ve leveraged OpenAI’s ChatGPT4 to create “AI Assist,” which will enable platform users to automatically compose powerful Creative Briefs that incorporate their brand voice and easily guide Creators to create content in line with what they need. 

In an advertising landscape where it's getting harder and harder to cut through the noise, every edge counts. With Finn, we can now enable our clients to go from concept to launch faster than ever, without compromising on quality. Finn has immediately made workflows more efficient, helped Creators better align with brands, and has immediately made Creative Briefs more effective. It's a triple win. 

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AI-powered Brief Writing has already garnered rave reviews from our client base, with Keiry Rodriguez, Brand Manager @ Hyland's Naturals saying, 

"With Finn, I can now go from concept to launch 10x faster without compromising quality. Finn has immediately made my workflows more efficient, driven increased creativity, and led to higher quality content creation. I can't see myself ever going back to manually writing anything in Cohley." 

The journey for Finn doesn’t stop here. Beyond AI-powered Brief Writing, we’ll be layering in additional uses of AI that make it easier than ever for brands to partner with creators, such as: 

  • AI-Powered Creator Matching - No more scrolling through 1000's of Creators to find the needle in the haystack, see the best Creators front and center.
  • AI-Generated Content Validations, fixating on tone, sentiment, historical data, and performance - Save time and only review the most actionable assets as AI automates the first round of content approvals

And Down the Road? AI-Powered Creative Optimization 

When we think of Finn, we envision a world where brands are consistently empowered to make the best decisions, with the least amount of effort. We know that for our customers, results are what matter, and Finn is going to make it easier than ever to achieve them. This AI-driven optimization feature will analyze performance data across a variety of key digital channels and target audiences to provide clients with actionable insights and recommendations. This will lead to the realization of our long-time prediction – There won’t be a single content decision that’s made, whether it’s on paid or unpaid channels, that isn’t heavily informed by data. 

Cheers to the Future

By strategically layering AI into the Cohley platform, we'll empower businesses to create more engaging, relevant content, optimize their campaigns, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth. We’ll help them grow more efficiently, stave off threats from upstart competitors, and cut through confusing data sets to make confident, accurate decisions. 

We believe that the combination of AI and human creativity will result in an unparalleled content marketing experience, enabling businesses to stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape. We’re beyond excited to be a part of this transformation and look forward to helping our clients harness the power of AI to achieve their business goals for many years to come.

Tom Logan
Founder & CEO
Our CEO and Co-Founder Tom is no stranger to the Cohley blog! With seven years under his Cohley belt, Tom is our go-to on all company updates, new tech initiatives, and data focused trends. Tom helps to dictate our direction, monitor and emphasize our culture and put colleagues in the best possible positions to succeed. Tom is a self proclaimed Tech guy, Sports Writer and Lover of Rom-Com's.