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Why Every Brand Should Repurpose Content

Learn why content repurposing is essential for every brand to expand their reach, increase efficiency, and improve ROI. Check out examples of brands successfully repurposing their content and learn how to put the concept into practice with Cohley’s platform. Don't miss out on potential customers by only using one platform. Repurpose your content and target your entire customer base.
Parker Dietz
March 13, 2023
January 22, 2025

As a brand marketer, you understand the importance of creating quality content to engage and attract your target audience. However, creating new content consistently can be expensive, time-consuming, and challenging. That’s where content repurposing comes in. In this article, we’ll explore what content repurposing is and how it can benefit your brand. By leveraging existing content, you can expand your reach, increase efficiency, and improve ROI. We’ll also provide examples of brands that have successfully repurposed their content to reach their audience on multiple channels.

What is Content Repurposing?

For the purposes of this article, repurposed content simply means leveraging existing content for use on additional channels to expand reach. Repurposing content allows you to extend the life of your content and make the most out of the effort and resources you invested in creating it. It also provides an opportunity to reach a broader audience. For example, Instagram has nearly 1 billion more users than TikTok, despite its rapid growth. If you're only using TikTok to reach new users, you're missing out on potential customers who don't use that platform. Repurposing content helps you to target your entire customer base, both current and potential.  

The Benefits of Content Repurposing

According to ReferralRock, 94% of marketers repurpose content for different channels or mediums already. That’s because of the undeniable benefits it produces in regards to cost, efficiency, and ROI. Let’s take a look at the three key benefits of content repurposing.  

Repurposing Content Reduces Costs  

One of the primary benefits of repurposing content is an obvious one – it reduces costs for brands. You’re eliminating the need for multiple software tools, agencies, and creative development resources, reducing expenses significantly. For example, a brand that creates a piece of content for their organic TikTok can repurpose it for their other organic social channels like Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts. This approach is much more cost-effective than creating unique content for each platform. 

Repurposing Content Improves Efficiency

Repurposing content also improves the efficiency of content creation. With the traditional approach, teams often work in silos, and communication can be a challenge. By repurposing content across teams and campaigns, you can avoid doubling up on content creation efforts. For example, if the social team has already created testimonial videos for organic Instagram, the paid media team can use those same videos for TikTok advertising campaigns without having to create any new content.      

Repurposing Content Improves ROI

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, a “mid-tier” influencer charges anywhere from $500-$5,000 per post in 2023. That’s a big chunk of change for a one-time post and a single piece of content. Repurposing content can improve ROI for brands by increasing the reach of their content and maximizing its impact. Brands can reach a broader audience by repurposing content across various channels, generating more traffic and leads. For example, a brand can repurpose several Instagram Reels posts into a longer format video ad for Youtube, reaching a broader audience. Brands can also increase engagement by tailoring content to match the preferences and needs of each channel, providing a personalized experience for their audience. 

If you use Cohley, you can specify which channels you need to generate content for in your Creative Brief, ensuring the format matches your intended platform. 

Examples of Repurposed Content

Force Factor Repurposes Video on TikTok and Instagram Reels

Repurposing your content on multiple channels can be as simple as publishing identical content on two similar channels, such as TikTok and Instagram Reels. For example, Force Factor utilizes the same short-form video content on both TikTok and Reels to maximize reach with little to no extra effort - you’ll notice the video, from the caption to the music, is identical.

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White Leaf Provisions Repurposes Organic Social Media Content on its Ecommerce Website

Many marketers believe that repurposing content across different channels is not effective because the channels have different styles. For instance, Instagram and a website may have different visual aesthetics. However, White Leaf Provisions has shown that repurposing user-generated content from Instagram can be successful when used on their ecommerce product pages.


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Nature’s Way Repurposes Organic Social Media Content on Amazon Posts 

Repurposing existing content can also be a safer method for testing out a new channel. For example, when Amazon introduced its new “Posts” feature, Nature’s Way was intrigued about its potential benefit but was weary of investing creative resources into an unproven channel. Instead, the brand pulled from the organic social content they had already to begin experimenting with Amazon Posts. And as it turns out, repurposing imagery on Amazon drove a 30% lift in Amazon sales for Nature’s Way. 



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Are You Ready to Squeeze More Value out of Your Content? 

Now that you understand the basics of content repurposing and how top brands like Nature’s Way are doing it successfully, you can start putting the concept into practice. Want to start off on the right foot? Book a consultation with Cohley today to learn how our platform helps savvy brands reduce costs and improve the efficiency and ROI of content. 

Parker Dietz
Head of Content
With a wealth of knowledge about competitors and pricing, Parker is all about exploring the best way to communicate Cohley's benefits. Outside of work, Parker enjoys poorly playing guitar at parties, watching every Adam Sandler movie ever made, and eating Arabic food.